AmigaOS3.5 (768/967)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:23 May 2000 at 15:34:10
Subject:Re: NewDrive

On 23-May-00, Duane A. Miller wrote:
> Hello Colin,
> I did what I THINK you said, with one small exception. the 0x001fe00
> kept putting another 0 between the x and 1, so I put another 0 at the
> end so there would be 2 0's between the x and the one.

Wrong, just enter: 0x1fe00
it will put the zero's in the right place.

It's just like decimal notation but displayed in hexadecimal,
adding a zero to the end is like adding a zero to the
number 8, it becomes 80, but 08 is still 8...

> It now has the
> correct number of gigs in both places, but still no icon's and no joy
> in either SysInfo or Opus.

Firstly, go into HDToolbox again, go into "Change" & fix
the Maxtransfer & while you are there, check to see if you
have "Auto mount this partition" ticked..

If not, the partition will not appear.

Also, a trap for young players is to ensure you do NOT have
duplicate device names on ANY other drive or partition,
otherwise one of them wont show up...

Then after a reboot, you should get the icons up,
you must format the new ones first, use the menu on WB,
Use the QUICK option.

> I have been using DH5 to DH9 for the
> partitions names on my old drive so I could copy the stuff my old old
> drive had. This time I started with DH0 to DH4, would this make any
> difference? Thanks again.
Colin Wenzel. Australia.

ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.

Old school buds here: